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2021 race entry summary and guidelines


Please note that there are a number of one time changes to the entry process for the 2021 race due to the general cancellation of the 2020 race as well as ensuring flexibility for any potential COVID-19 impact through the entry process or up to race day of March 13th 2021. 


Key Dates

As a summary there are 4 key stages for the 2021 entry process


  1. 2020 Entrant Entry Decision, December 22nd 2020 to January 3rd 2021 - Entrants affected by the general cancellation of the​ 2020 race need to register their decision to either defer their entry to 2022 or enter the 2021 race. If you do not register your decision your entry will be automatically deferred to the 2022 Six Foot Track Marathon

  2. 2021 Entries open for 2020 Entrants, January 4th to January 8th, 2021 - Entries will open only for those 2020 entrants who confirmed they wanted to enter the 2021 race. These people now need to formally register and pay for their entry.

  3. 2021 Preferred Entries, January 11th to 15th 2021- Entries open for any eligible Preferred Entrant who did not have a 2020 entry. 

  4. 2021 General Entry Lottery, January 18th to January 22nd, 2021: All remaining entry spaces available after the 2020 and preferred entries closed will then be drawn through the General Entry Lottery.


Entry Process Details


Our first focus is on the entrants from the 2020 race who were impacted by the general race cancellation. As many people may have had their training/preparation impacted over the last 9 months we are offering 2020 entrants the opportunity to defer their preferred 2021 entry spot to 2022, before entries open. All 2020 entrants will be sent an email with details on how they register their decision whether they will enter in 2021 or 2022. This decision needs to be made and registered by 5pm January 3rd, 2021. Once registered this decision cannot be changed, our goal is to understand our remaining potential field size after the 2020 entrants have made their decision and plan and confirm the approach for other potential entrants. If you do not register your preference, we will assume a deferral to the 2022 race for your entry.


For those 2020 entrants who register their decision to enter the 2021 race, they will then need to complete the second part of their process which is to formally enter and pay  to confirm their 2021 entry when the entries open for them on the 4th  January 2021 up to January 8th 2021.

  • If they do not formally enter within the published time windows their preferred entry status from the 2020 race is extinguished, it does not roll forward to 2022 and they lose their right to guaranteed entry to both the 2021 or 2022 race.

  • If they do formally enter for 2021 but then decide to cancel their entry before race day they will only be eligible for a refund, less a cancellation fee, they will not then be able to roll this entry forward to 2022


On January 11th 2021, after we have processed the entries for the 2020 entrants, we then plan to accept entries from runners who are eligible for Preferred entry outside the 2020 entry runners. The Preferred entry criteria and eligibility is listed below. 


On January 18th, 2021,  if after both 2020 entry runners and other Preferred Entrants have entered and we still have entry spaces available we will open registrations for a General Entry Lottery and conduct a draw.


Our goal through this approach is to first support those who had a 2020 entry and who were affected by the cancellation of the race but to then enable enough other runners a chance for an entry spot in 2021 as possible.


All of the information and processes above are dependent upon any NSW Public Health Orders in place from now, through the registration process and up to race day.


We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during these difficult times in order to have a 2021 Six Foot Track Marathon.


Preferred entry

You will be able to enter as a preferred entrant if you are a member of one of the following groups:

  • Finisher of first race in 1984

  • Previous Six Foot Track Marathon Winners

  • Top 10 male and female finishers from 2019 race

  • Officially finished five or more Six Foot Track Marathon races in under 7:00

  • Previous Race Directors and Current Race Committee

  • Eligible Unsuccessful Lottery Option entrants who missed entry for both 2019 (needed to have registered for the option after missing a spot) and 2020 (those eligible have already been sent an email to confirm)

  • Entrants who donate $1,000 to RFS as part of their entry

    • For this option we are offering the ability for entrants to be able to direct deposit the $1,000. If you wish to do the direct deposit option please contact us via email at before entries open.

    • This needs to be done before or at the time of Preferred Entry, once the Preferred Entry process is complete the remainder of the available entry spots are set aside for General Entries. We will not be able to accept any additional preferred entries using the $1,000 donation option after all entry spots are filled

  • Race Committee discretion (determined by the committee before entries open)

    • Potential top five male and female finishers (supporting race results required)


General entry


Due to the general cancellation of the 2020 race we expect that there will a substantial reduction in the number of General Entry spots available for the 2021 race through the lottery process. 


Registration for the lottery for General entries will be open for 48 hours

  • There is no limit on the number of people who can register for the General Entry lottery

  • There is no charge to register for the General Entry lottery

  • All lottery registrants must have a valid qualifying event at the time of entry  

  • Only one lottery registration per person is allowed. Any person submitting multiple registrations will have all lottery entries (or actual successful general entry spots) cancelled

  • Once the lottery is closed a random draw for the number of General Entry spots available will be conducted. This draw is conducted using an independent online service. 

  • Any lottery registrant who also was unsuccessful in the 2020 lottery will have 2 chances in the draw for 2021 available General Entry spots (further details below)

  • The results of the lottery will be published to the Six Foot Track Marathon Facebook page and all successful lottery winners will be sent two emails, one from confirming their success and a second from the entry registration system with a link to be able to formally enter for the 2021 race. It is the successful lottery winners responsibility to check their emails and enter and pay within the subsequent 36 hours and/or notify the race organisers immediately if they were advised of their successful lottery draw but have not received the invitation email.

  • Any lottery spots that have not been confirmed and paid within 36 hours of this publication and email advice will be cancelled

  • We do not expect that a supplementary lottery draw will be held for 2021 after the first draw


Unsuccessful Lottery List

When the lottery process is complete for General Entrants, we  document a list of the people who registered for the lottery but missed out on an official spot for this year.. The same process will occur in subsequent years.


It is important to understand, the Unsuccessful Lottery List is not a waitlist, but a mechanism to cater for people that may miss out on a lottery general entry offer and provide a greater chance of successful entry for subsequent years. The Unsuccessful Lottery List is subject to the following points.

  • Unsuccessful Lottery List registrations will only be made for  those who missed out on the General Entry lottery, ie you have to have missed out in the lottery draw to eligible 

  • Each consecutive year that a runner misses out on being drawn in the lottery provides them with an additional entry in the draw the following year. For example

    • If a runner misses out on a spot in 2020 and registers for the lottery in 2021 they will have 2 chances in the 2021 draw

    • If a runner misses out on a spot in 2020, and 2021 and registers for the lottery in 2022 they will have 3 chances in the 2022 draw

  • If a runner is successful in being drawn in the lottery (regardless of if they actually accept their offer) then their count resets to zero

  • If a runner does not register for the lottery for a particular year then any rights/accruals from previous lotteries missed are reset to zero


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Anchor 2
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