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The Mob Run rules

The Mob Run is a club/team competition, and the "rules" are as follows:

  1. During the entry process, type your Mob Run team name in the Team/Club field. The race committee will track and allocate runners to their chosen teams. Note you can only join one team.

  2. Teams can be of any size or composition (age, gender, etc does not matter). Teams need not be formally recognised teams or clubs.

  3. Entrants who wish to join a team after their entry has been accepted, or to change team, can only do so via email to and received by the Monday before the event using the email address used during registration.

  4. Allocation of points:
    a.  Runners who complete the run within the cut-off time will score points for their team depending on their finish placing. 
    b.  The first placed runner (i.e. the race winner) receives the same number of points as there are official finishers. 
    c.  The second placed runner receives 1 point less, all the way to the last official finisher who would score 1 point. Usually, a sweeper will be the last finisher.
    d.  Female finishers point score will then be doubled in recognition that there are currently fewer women entrants.
    e.  The team score is the aggregate of all points scored by members of that team.
    f.  The team with the most points wins. This need not be the team with the most runners, but the team with the 'most best' runners.

  5. The winning team of the "Mob Run” will be awarded the perpetual trophy (that will have their team name engraved), donated by Sydney Striders Road Runners Club, during the Six Foot Track Marathon presentation.

Race partners
RFS Logo Jan 2024 jpg.png
Race custodian
Race day logistics
Key sponsors
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