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Getting to the start line


Important note for 2021, to comply with NSW Health orders and required social distancing, our COVID safe plan does not allow for the inclusion of spectators at the start line


Critical Information for all competitors

NO parking, NO stopping and NO drop off at or near the Race Start at the Explorers Tree, nearby streets or the highway. Any runner associated with a vehicle contravening this request will be immediately disqualified. (This is to protect your life, the lives of others and to ensure the continuation of this event). In 2021 no supporters are permitted at the Start or Finish areas.


Race day parking and shuttle buses to race start

Safe and secure parking is available for all competitors at the Katoomba Christian Convention Car Park at 113 Cliff Drive (corner of Violet Street), Katoomba. 


Starting at 6:30am a fleet of shuttle buses will operate continuously from Violet Street, adjacent to the Katoomba Christian Convention Car Park to the Race Start until the final wave starts. Access to the car park and buses will be aligned to set times for each wave to avoid congestion at both KCC and the start line.


Please refer to the Bus Guide for more detailed information on all buses.


Please move quietly and respect our residential neighbours when arriving and leaving the car park.


After the last bus of runners has left KCC the car park will be locked down and will be patrolled by security.


All buses from Jenolan Caves back to Katoomba will proceed to this car park for competitors to collect vehicles. The gates to this car park will be locked at 7:00pm so please ensure you have collected your car by then.


We strongly request that you plan your schedule to arrive at the car park no earlier than 45 minutes before your scheduled wave start time. If you need to collect your bib and cup then allow an extra 15 minutes. We will provide timing guidelines for KCC access and then bus access to the start based upon your wave allocation.


For those runners staying in central Katoomba or catching a train to Katoomba you will have two options as below. 


  1. walk to the Start via the footpath adjacent to Great Western Highway if you have collected your bib the day before at Cafe2773 Glenbrook or organised for a friend to collect it for you with a signed approval form, note you will need to have left your drop bag at Cafe2773 the day before as there is no drop bag collection at the start line, or 

  2. make your way to KCC carpark to collect your bib and cup, leave your drop bag and catch the shuttle bus.


There will be no buses operating from the Katoomba YHA in 2021


•    There is no bib collection or bag drop at the Start Line.
•    If walking to the Start or KCC you should plan to arrive at these locations based upon the schedule we have provided for your wave allocation, no earlier.
•    If a friend collected your bib then you must arrive at the Start Line with your bib attached to your clothing. There will not be safety pins at the Start.


Runners staying at Jenolan Caves House


For runners staying at Caves House on the Friday night please email with the following details

  • Runners Name

  • Runners Bib #


The race day bus to the start will depart at 5:00am on Saturday morning. Please ensure you get there before 5:00am as we will be checking names off and the bus will depart promptly. 


Based upon the email details above we will set aside the registration kits for Caves House based runners. These will be available for collection on Friday at Glenbrook until the time that our volunteer departs for Caves House. They will then be available for collection at Jenolan Caves on the Saturday morning when boarding the buses.


If you are staying at Jenolan Caves House and do not email us, and do not collect your bib on the Friday, then your bib won't be available at the start line as it will be with all other bibs at the KCC Car Park


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